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Boston, MA

Cross-Country Flight From San Francisco To Boston – A Photographic Journey

Recently, I experienced an incredible photo-journey flying on a JetBlue airbus from San Francisco to Boston. The weather was clear and I had a window seat. I spent the majority of my time looking back and forth from my window view to the map screen on JetBlue’s seat back.

An overview of our flight (please excuse the shaky iphone photo).

I think I was the only one on the flight to open my shade and actually spend time looking out the window. I felt so sorry for all the people glued to their devices. They missed seeing the changing terrain of each state as we passed over it. The United States is such an amazing country!

Here is my photographic journey flying from San Francisco to Boston in late May:

 I think this is the Sacramento River in California.
A portion of snow-covered, Sierra Nevada Mountains in California.

The scene changed remarkably after leaving California and entering the desert of Nevada.

Nevada Desert
My iphone doesn’t do justice to the surreal colors of the clouds and sky over the Nevada Desert.
Utah desert and salt flats.
Part of the Great Salt lake can be seen behind the salt flats.
Flying from Northern Utah into Wyoming.
Snow-covered mountains in Wyoming.
See my reflection? Wearing my husband’s aviator glasses. 😉

Next up, the rolling hills of Wyoming.

Entering South Dakota.
That looks like the “Tree of Life” below the farmland in South Dakota.

I’m afraid I fell asleep over Iowa. Please don’t take it personally, people of Iowa!

 Entering Wisconsin.

We crossed over one of the Great Lakes leading into Michigan. I have never seen any of the Great Lakes. They are really huge! I couldn’t see the shore for at least five minutes as we flew over one of the lakes.

Crossing one of the Great Lakes from Wisconsin to Western Michigan.

We flew over a portion of northern Pennsylvania and into New York. Unfortunately, there was cloud cover that whole time, so no photos.

Flying over New York.

Luckily, the clouds broke over Massachusetts and I got a great view of Boston as we came in to land. It felt great to be back in Massachusetts! (if you haven’t seen my series of blogs on New England, here they are.)

A view of Boston from the plane.

Well, that’s my photographic journey. On your next flight, I hope you too are inspired to spend time gazing out the window. Happy travels!

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